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Pomoflow v0.1 - End the productivity addiction.

Well, here we are, valentines' day 2024. As with every year past, it's a time of relentless tropes and cliches, mostly existing for the sole purpose of making you feel bad and getting quick access to your wallet. Kind of reminds you of another set of trends we've seen the past few years, right? Productivity. You've read the title, don't act surprised.

For the past few years, we've seen any number of productivity tools, apps, systems, etc. Just type in "Organise your life in notion" into youtube and you'll be berated with a million and one ways to make yourself more miserable while at the same time wasting more time and doing even less. There might be a particular archetype of person that this approach is well suited for, but I'm pretty sure that's not most of us.

Introducing Pomoflow

The entire purpose of pomoflow is to, instead of giving you a million things to do and a 52! ways to do them, to give you one. Just press the start button and get going. We're focused on simplicity and collaboration as a principle. Press the Start collaborating button to get a link to a pomo session that as many people as you'd like can join, really, it's that simple.

Eventually, some of your productivity needs will also be implemented based on user feedback (opening soon), but the concept is simple, get on and focus. No bullshit.

I don't really have much else to say here... enjoy the app!

How'd we build this majestic piece of software?

Our number one focus, following the philosophy of the software itself, was to just get it done, so we picked a combination of firebase, go, and nextjs to drive our application. By default, firestore gives us the freedom of making realtime apps, and we use that to our full advantage. If you're a bigger tech nerd and want more explanation, go read the source code.

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